2019-12-27T11:38:42+00:00 15.03.2018|

According to Arseniy Stizhenok, a Russian ICO adviser, and blockchain expert, most ICO’s are launched by early-stage startups. Early stage startups are typically the investment targets of Angels, and maybe sometimes, with the right sort of appeal, venture capital, and private equity. As a rule of thumb, these investors expect to “hit a home run” with a mere 1 of 10 such investments. Early stage startups have some common challenges – management experience, the lack of product or service which has gone beyond the conception stage, hiring expert team members, and having experienced HR functions to find these team members and onboard them, workspace, cash flow. Simply stated – they have executional risk.

How about if you can remove a large portion of executional risk from an ICO? Make the ICO truly crowdsourced funding. And use blockchain for what it is intended – secure and transparent global transactions. World WiFi is the anti startup ICO. Built on two successful, profitable and operational companies, Adrenta and Radius WiFi, it has many of the components necessary for ICO success. A proven business plan. Deep and broad WiFi technical knowledge. Vastly superior target marketing. A proven team to run these businesses and organizational depth to manage people effectively.

So if the business is already successful, why use blockchain and why have an ICO you might ask? Blockchain enables smart contracts between home router owners and advertisers. It also allows payments to be made globally – cross-border, and tokenized between advertiser and router owner. It allows the advertiser to see with certainty the results of advertising campaigns and exact, not vague, click-through rates. Plus it enables the advertiser to cut out 40% of online advertising costs by enabling them to work directly with the home router operator. An ICO allows quicker crowdsourced funding. Who benefits? The home router owner shares the router capacity and makes money, the advertiser targets more effectively and pays less. And finally, the guest user get Internet access for free.

World WiFi is the “Anti-Start-Up ICO”. 20 million access points in 3 years by an experienced team who knows how to do this! Join us at Before its too late!